A complete and generic enterprise model where all business topics are sorted into a context with each other had not been done before. In 2017 the first All Business In One,ABIO-model was published and the full clickable version with around 1200 sorted business topics can be explored at Beta-site www.businessxplainer.com. The model was developed for the web platform called BX businessXplainer that has the ambition to become an open licensed knowledge base and portal for free business related content as well as a non profitnetworking community. The model claims that every business can be described with a six step business process and six supporting processes plus sustainability activities as a separate seventh one. It shows the stake holders around it, the customers and markets it addresses and the continous analysis that needs to be done in order to be sustainable over time.

The 12+1 internal "building blocks" of the business model were initially proposed in 2017 by Anders Hellwer based on his earlier unpublished work on business model ontology. To make the ABIO-model more usable as a template for developing new or documenting existing businesses a version 2.0 was released in june 2020. It is integrating Environmental and social Sustainability as a part of asset Management instead of having it as a separate process. It suggests that the environment and society are common assets that should be viewed similar as other internal assets.
Four key stakeholders are illustrated as passengers on the business journey. The focus of the value creation in the business process is the customers and secondary also the suppliers. The focus of the value creation in the six administrative support functions are usually more towards the owners/investors and the team/labour market. Plus of course the rest of the external stake holders like authorities, the community and future generations.

Below an example how the ABIO-model can be used as a check list when starting a business.

Below a Swedish translation of the ABIO-model for startups. "En guide till att starta företag"